But they had to part ways.
That they should Bid goodbye to each other
As true friends, they decided together.
What to do with the true love
that they nurtured for years
asked she.
Then they buried the love
deep in the soil
In a day or two
It sprouted again.
They threw it into the sea.
A massive wave brought it back to the shore.
They let it be gone with the wind
As the betting pigeon it went round
and returning stood in front.
They tried setting it afire
The resolute Love refused to melt.
Let it float in the sky thought they
and sent it away
Getting inside the cloud and turning into rain
it poured on them.
After that
crossing seven seas and seven mounts
they handed it over to the Immortal Parrot
dwelling in the riverside Banyan tree-hole
“Dear Parrot, Oh, Dear Parrot
We will come and take it back in our next birth
Now, swallow our love
and safeguard it”
Said they and went away.
The substance of the love thus gulped
started seeping gradually
and embracing the soul of the parrot
penetrated inside.
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